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Gratitude Practice
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Dear Beautiful People,


The Healing Work which I offer, is grounded in building your spiritual practice, not religion per say but a connection to those energy forms that are here to guide us if we can open to them. 


                                                        They teach us that our 

                                        Gratitude for all the good that is in our lives

                                                         is a most important practice. 


If we focus on that for which we are grateful, whether a bit of breeze on a hot day, the scent of new mown grass, an extra dollar found in an old coat pocket, or the gift of someone's smile,  all life begins to become more positive and the world in healed in a tiny way by that beautiful energy. 


That shift in our own energy from negative to positive is one of the most healing things we can do for ourselves.   In that spirit,  I give my full gratitude to those spirit energies who have guided me in the creation of this website, this practice and most especially for all their guidance in my everyday life so I can share that with you Dear Hearts, as you choose to be open to it. 


To ask further questions or schedule a time to meet with me, either in person or on Skype, please connect with me using the form below or by: 




True Heart Blessings!


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© 2021 by Rose Crone Guide. of HeartPath Studio in Santa Fe  NM - Proudly created with

June 22 thru August 31

June 22 thru August 31

Paint Peace Seeds and Heal Your Own Inner Wars

July 6 thru September 14

July 6 thru September 14

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