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Join a Monthly
Red Thread Circle
with Your SiStars and
Meet Your Newest Self!  Could it be 

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Painting the Invisible and Other Impossible Happenings


Dear SiStars,


We will paint images of out Empowered Selves into reality.  There will be MAGIC afoot!!!

Tied together as SiStars of the Red Thread, the time has come.  There is such a deep need in our world and in our personal lives for our Empowered Selves. For most of us, this self is invisible and may “Look” and act very differently than our everyday selves.  If we work together we can support one another as we walk thru a Portal of New  Seeing and make a Choice,  Choosing to  Choose….. a more awakened version of ourselves.  We can explode our own Old Self Boxes that limit who we are. Let us create a delightful, perhaps playful or perhaps surprising image of this Empowered Self!  Once out of that Box, we have the option to explore and learn how to live and use our Empowered Selves. Creating that Image on our paintings literally Births the actuality of the New Empowered Self.   As we work together creating these images, Seeing literally becomes our Brain Believing in that Empowered Self. Beyond our new self image, there will also be a plan, a path of simple actions to help us bring into actual reality that being we need to be.        Seeing is Believing!


Interested in exploring your own” Seeing Magic”?


When we learn to still the chatter in our minds for a little while, we will start hearing the muse of the painting and our Guides begin to talk to us.  They will say things like,                                                


“More of that color over here. One of Your Ancestors is here with you.  Add some symbols like this and like that; they will make you feel happy.  You need to put more prayer dots there and this time in bright red!   Look, there is a face beginning.  See the nose? Stand back now and look at it all.  Doesn’t it make you wonder how it will all unfold?  It’s becoming a Delicious Epiphany“               

                                                     Magic and Self Mothers of Empowered Selves


We can become our own ….Self Mothers…to coin a phrase……Self Mothers of our new self, helping give it birth.  When we collaborate and paint together, there is something called a Gestalt that happens.  The energy of all of us together carries more momentum than the energy of each of us by ourselves.  That is the Magic which unfolds as we paint and begin to Birth Images  of our Empowered Selves.  As the images become more visible on our canvases, we identify with them more and more till we begin to feel we are these beings and begin seeing and experiencing the world thru their eyes and senses.   Additionally, the teachings we are given as we paint about our own lives, are there in our paintings.   Their symbols and colors, the energy that they hold is mirrored back to us.  They will always be there for us to reverberate and prompt us in our daily life.

Explore Self Mothering with me

I will be learning along with you and we will share our thoughts and new knowing. I will also be teaching a few basic painting skills but each of us will be

working in our own ways and all the paintings will look different because they are totally yours.  There is no wrong way to do this.


Learn, share and collaborate with SiStars as we support one another on a delightful adventure. Become your own Self Mother.  It doesn’t matter if you are an artist or not.  Join us as we strengthen the Red Thread holding us together and explore a whole new level of surprising freedom while we make our Empowered Selves VISIBLE………and get to know them as our true selves.


Come and join the adventure!  Truly we are doing the most extraordinary kind of Magic.  Paint your Empowered Self, Collaborate, Learn new things, Have fun,  Help heal the world one being at a time, eat Chocolate and Snacks and have Tea.                                  


  * Join the Star SiStar Adventure*


We are SiStars, each of us a special Star in our own right but part of the Red Thread Heart Family.


Red Thread Heart Blessings


Much Love to Each,



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*My Heart offerings for you are:  A guided once a month Zoom version for SiStars far and wide and an  In-home in Santa Fe once a month version of similar Women’s Red Thread CircleShop sharing and learning with a Gagle of women who will become SiStars.  A monthly email will tell you more about each month's offerings as they change.  Fill out your information in the Contact page to receive emails from me.




*A chance to awaken your dreams and plan for them referencing and working with my workbook The Rose Crone Guide which can be purchased from me for $21.00 plus $5.00 shipping for  a signed copy. Or it can be purchased from Amazon




*Your  Heart offering to me  for the Red Thread programs will vary but scholarships are available to help you do any of the work here you feel drawn to.  I will let you know before hand the specific subject of each session.   Please let me know your interest or ask your questions at the  Heartpath email then join us at one of the links below to register and receive the Zoom information  as well be notified of any supplies you may need for different sessions.


       Join us by emailing to register or filling out Contact info at link above.


                                     Purchase the book





                                       or write to me at




Much love and Blessings



© 2023 by Feather Redfox. of HeartPath Studio in Santa Fe  NM - Proudly created with

June 22 thru August 31

June 22 thru August 31

Paint Peace Seeds and Heal Your Own Inner Wars

July 6 thru September 14

July 6 thru September 14

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