Peace Seeds: Paint Your Own Art & Red Thread Medicine!
things work the way I think they should. This brings up the old
July 6 thru September 14
July 6 thru September 14
July 6 thru September 14
Payment by check or money order requested
Red Thread CircleShops
Now we are painting!!!
Create your own wonder-filled painting that focuses on who YOU are as a Star Woman! Make your canvase's invisible writing about yourself, visible with your paint and your journaling. It will become part of your Sparkling Inner Truth and its such FUN. Grow your insight, your intuition, create community with other SiStars and learn how to create a simple and beautiful face based on some variations of Shiloh Sophia's McCloud's methods. What are your Star Qualities and your endless Night sky Possibilities????
Are you brave enough to take this adventure?
Do you really want to know what is written in YOUR Sparkling Inner Truth about who you are and what comes next?
Red Thread Circles.
Many beliefs exist about the Red Thread. It is worn for protection, weaves the symbols of verbal histories, is a symbol of connection and much more. There is a story from China...and many other places, that each of us is connected with a red thread when we are born, to other people we are to meet in our lives. It can get snarled or becomes unseen but it is always there. Red Thread Circles are a group of people who get together, usually around a theme, and connect to one another literally wrapping our wrists with a continuous red thread. We create a safe place to speak and witness one another in confidentiality. We strive to understand what part of the overall theme is "our" part to work with and agree to be responsible for that as we cut the thread binding us together. We claim that piece of thread and the responsible actions it represents as our own. I often wear red threads around my wrist as a physical reminder and energy holder of that time we spent together. We form close connections and are also able to "Tug on that thread" to communicate with the others and ask for their support if we need it. Red Thread Circles...... What are they really...... Connection, witnessing one another's thoughts, feelings about a theme claiming our own responsibility or action as needed.
CircleShops.... add an art/craft element of fun and transformation to the Circles.
The Star Woman Painting Series will be for the Brave of Heart only !!!
Are there situations in your life that rob you of your power and your vision, make all the feathers fall out of your Dreaming Wings?
Do you need to create your life from ORIGINAL THOUGHTS based on NEW possibilities for the future, not the walls of fear from your past?
If so, join me online with a Red Thread Circle of SiStars who will connect around the our Star Woman Painting theme and support one another as we work together to investigate and create ways of making soul saving changes for our lives...
The Star Woman Painting
I am made of Stardust
Part of both
the Lighted Galaxies and
Dark Night Skies.
How much this expands
My view of Me.
I breathe in the breath of
Endless possibilities
I am both the beginning
and all the ends of
All that is and was and
Will be.......
Yet in my smaller
day to day life the
Open Darkness fills
with my negative thoughts
My "Not Good Enoughs"
"Too Olds" or Too Youngs"
and the light of My Stars
My Special Gifts, Talents and
is drowned by My Doubts
Yet the Doubting Dark
Pulses with my gifted
As I Remember,
My Strength,
My Courage and
My Determination........
I am alight with my Passion
I Am A Light
Shining the Way for My own good self
and my SiStars!
And the men who love them!!!
Feather 2020
Join me for this series of videos to complete at your own pace. The fee for sharing all of this is $125.00 but now reduced to 95.00. Online sessions will be available indefinitely to give you time for completion of each one if you choose the online course.
Online class videos available
We will use your own powerful Intentions with other Creative Processes and easy art work to create an "especially yours", meaningful Star Woman Painting that is also your part of your Sparkle Manual It will represent both your intention and your process. This image and this process will physically change how your brain perceives and stores your story into an image of the resolution of your issue. You will be creating the stories and images of your newly possible future, rather than something based on past energies and happenings!
See below to sign up for email notices of all events or email me directly with questions.
So consider, listen to your heart. Take a chance on growing and connecting to new Red Thread SiStars who welcome you with open arms!!!
For a payment plan please contact me at this email and I will be glad to help.
Change is a whisper
like the brush of feathers as they
wing thru the air moving and swirling it
in patterns unseen.
We feel its shifting and
sense the new Codes of it's
So too does the Alchemy
the Magic of our lives
create changes
at first unrecognized
rooting in air then
lifting our wings
till feathers hold us suspended
in new life directions
Feather 7/2018
Give yourself an opportunity
Register here:
The Star Woman Painting course
The entire group of video sessions will be $120.00 and
available indefinitely for your convenience.
Supply lists, supporting instructions
and password for video access
will be sent to you via your email upon your registration.
Please register for the The Star Woman Painting course here. Normally the course is 125.00 but now reduced to $95.00 as my gift to you:
This may also be paid in three payments by contacting me
directly at :
Register here for occasional email about new events or thoughts. I do not in any way sell or give any of your information to others for any purpose at all. It is only used to share my emails with you.
© 2020 by Rose Crone Guide. of HeartPath Studio in Santa Fe NM - Proudly created with