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Live Beyond the Possible...Be Your Most Empowered Self!


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I am Feather Redfox, a seeker, one of many faces and energies.  I live learning to center in those collected  ways of being which are me.  My JOURNEY here is to help each of us  connect to our Empowerment, especially Older Women


                                                                    I want to help

                                                 each one of us have "Healed Hearts"



                                                            to grow Connections with

                                                              one another by sharing

                                                   Red Thread Circles and CircleShops

My life is a constant journey along a path that is my HeartPath.  I seek the  teachings in the roadblocks and as much as I am able, let my art, my magic express that often. I walk with one foot in the physical world and one in the spiritual.   My teachings and my path come from the years of study I have done with Wise Women, especially the Sisterhood of the Shields and Lynn Andrews, Laura Hollick, Merlinda Arnold and Shiloh Sophia McCloud.  This beautiful Mother Earth, my children and friends and the breath taking night skies here in New Mexico are all my teachers.  I thank and send blessings to each one.  

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There are many lessons I take on from my daily life and share with others to ease their path in some way.  I am an "Earth-rooted Dream flier". My healing practice, my art and my life are centered in my spiritual practice.  I am able now to let go of more and more conventions, seeking out-of-the-box solutions when they offer the most fulfilling paths.  My purpose is to be a Compass for the Unknown, mapping new paradigms, new routes and strategies in my work with others as I learn those from my own Journey.  I find there is a perceptible shift shamanically when I connect to my Guidance, a rightness, a grace that fills the gaps of my efforts and I Live Beyond the Possible.   It is my greatest joy to share this with Beloved Beings who choose to do their inner truth searching with me. 


To ask further questions or schedule a time to meet with me, Zoom or by phone, please connect with me by email  below


            Many Heart Blessings,


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Thank you Dear Ones! Message sent.

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June 22 thru August 31

June 22 thru August 31

Paint Peace Seeds and Heal Your Own Inner Wars

July 6 thru September 14

July 6 thru September 14

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